| 1 | Pain from gas, cramping pain in the abdomen, Colic. |
| 2 | Gastroenteritis |
| 3 | Dysentery, painful stomach cramp, nausea or vomiting, bloody and mucous stool. |
| 4 | Enteritis, inflammation of small intestine, diarrhea. pain, bleeding, or mucus-like discharge from the rectum., fever |
| 5 | Excessive flatulence, abdominal discomfort, passing gas. |
| 6 | Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Acidity, Indigestion, Gestric and peptic ulcers, H. Pylori infection. |
| 7 | Bulimia nervosa, over eating, increased desire for food, Polypepsia. |
| 8 | Polydipsia, Excess thirst disease. Examples include intense exercise, eating salty foods, dehydration, hot temperatures or medication side effects. Diabetes. |
| 9 | Affections of pylorus. pyloric stenosis. Helicobacillus pylori. Pyloric obstruction. |
| 10 | Amoebic Dysentery. |
| 11 | Constipation, difficult bowel movements. Stools that is hard and dry. Difficult to pass. |
| 12 | Ulcerative colitis, Affections of colon, Colitis, Inflammation of the colon. |
| 13 | Duodenitis, Inflammation of the duodenum, duodenal stricture, duodenal Ulcer. |
| 14 | Anorexia nervosa, Appetite disordered. |
| 15 | Pancreatitis, Affections of pancreas. |
| 16 | Loss of appetite, Indigestion, Anorexia. |
| 17 | Peritonitis, Inflammation of the membrane lining the abdominal wall Affections of peritoneal membrane. |
| 18 | Difficulty in swallowing food or drinks. Dysphagia is a symptom of many medical conditions. These conditions can include nervous system, brain, muscle disorders, and physical blockages in the throat or esophagus. |
| 19 | Pica, abnormal food cravings. People craving for dirt, clay, glue, hair, cigarette ashes, and feces, ice, clay, soil, paper, lime or sand etc. |
| 20 | Enlargement of spleen. Spleenitis, Affections of spleen. |
| 21 | Alcoholism. Detoxifying agent in de-addiction therapy of alcoholics. |
| 22 | Celiac disease. Chronic digestive and immune disorder that damages the small intestine, gluten-sensitive enteropathy. |
| 23 | Gardner’s syndrome, Gardner’s syndrome is a rare genetic disorder can lead to growths on various areas of the body. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). Numerous precancerous polyps called in the colon and rectum. |
| 24 | Hernia, Scrotal hernia, Umbilical Hernia, Inguinal hernia. |
| 25 | Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Disease in your digestive tract. |
| 26 | Liver complaints, Cirrhosis of liver, fatty liver, jaundice, hepatitis. |
| 27 | Metabolic syndrome, a cluster of biochemical and physiological abnormalities associated with the development of cardiovascular disease , type 2 diabetes. Hypertension, high blood triglycerides, low levels of HDL cholesterol and insulin resistance. |
| 28 | Osophagitis, oesophgeal constriction. |
| 29 | Other |